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Small Groups & Life Groups

Sermon-Based Small Groups

Small Groups are groups of 8 - 16 adults that allow us time to fellowship, pray, and discuss the worship sermon message. We also have opportunities in our small groups to minister to one another to meet spiritual, physical, and emotional needs. In short, it is where we do life together.

They meet at various days throughout the week in member homes or at Calvary, depending on the group. The current listing by Day/Time/Location/Availability:

Sunday, 11:45am, Derry, Open

Sunday, 12:00pm, Derry, FULL

Sunday, 12:30pm, Windham, Open

Sunday, 4:00pm, Derry, Open

Sunday, 5:00pm, Derry, FULL

twice monthly Sunday, 5:00pm, Derry, FULL

Sunday, 5:30pm, Auburn, Open

Monday, 6:30pm, Derry, Open

Tuesday, 6:30pm, Manchester, Open

Tuesday, 6:30pm, Atkinson, Open

Tuesday, 7:00pm, Derry, Open

Wednesday, 6:30pm, Sandown, FULL

Wednesday, 6:30pm, at CBC (in the Youth Center), Open

Methuen MA, Temporarily on hold, Open

Life Groups

Life Groups are weekly groups that meet from 9:00am-9:45am on Sunday mornings before service to learn and study together.

4 year olds through 2nd grade, Room 125

3rd through 5th grades, Room 132

6th - 12th grades, Youth Center

Children ages 3 and under will be in the nursery

Led by: Leanne Dalpe

Meeting in the library

Duration: ~12 weeks - begins March 17th

Materials Needed: Bible; Study Guide will be available but is optional (donations accepted)

Intended audience: Women of all ages

The people we read about in Scripture faced many of the same challenges we do today. By observing how biblical characters brought their fears and frustrations to God, we can learn to do the same. Filled with encouragement and truth, this study will remind us that God's character and presence can give us strength to face any difficulty.

Join us as we delve into Scripture, finding help, hope, and refreshment for our souls.

Led by: Clayton Leblanc

Meeting upstairs in room 214

Duration: TBD - begins April 28th

Materials Needed: book: Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers by John Owen (see Clayton for specific edition), Bible

Intended audience: Men of all ages

John Owen's classic work, Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers, is essentially a hundred-page treatise/commentary on Romans 8:13 - "For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live (KJV)." He utilizes extensive scriptural support to build his case that lifelong warfare against sin is critical to the vitality of the Christian life. We'll read a portion of Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers each week, and discuss it as a group on Sunday.

Note from Clayton: I've got books on order - I've found a version that translates the old English to modern English. If you let me know you'll be joining us, I'll do my best to have the required number on hand for the April 28 launch!

Led by: Shane Silva and Phil Clater

Meeting in Room 204 (the Music Lab)

Duration: 6 weeks - begins July 28th

Materials Needed: Study guides will be available (donations accepted but not required)

Intended audience: Everyone

I'll be happy after: the promotion... the new house... the next vacation... What deep hungers drive the crazy consumer lifestyle for so many of us? And why are we often driven more by what our neighbors own than what will truly make us happy? The Satisfied Bible Study explores the way in which the messages to the New Testament churches were received by the original readers and how these passages can alter the way we view wealth, accumulation, and ultimate contentment today.

Led by: Pastor Talley

Meeting in Fellowship Hall

Duration: >12 weeks - begins October 22nd

Materials Needed: Study guides available - donations accepted

Intended audience: Everyone

Do you know what you believe, or why you believe it? Is theology just trivia, or does it have consequences in our day to day lives? In this theological thrill ride, we'll explore why doctrine matters, and focus on how different ideas throughout history compare against the truth of Scripture.

Led by: Mike Boots

Meeting in room 211

Duration: 17 weeks - begins April 21st

Materials Needed: Bible

Intended audience: Everyone

Many consider Ephesians to be the greatest of Paul's Epistles. The first half of the letter focuses on the Ephesians' calling. They were chosen by God, sealed with His Spirit, and saved by His Grace. The second half teaches how to "walk in a manner worthy" of the Christian's calling. This verse-by-verse study will provide opportunities for gaining deeper insight into the origins of Christian doctrine and foster Christian fellowship and growth.

Led by: Web Balcom and Craig Packard

Meeting in room 212

Duration: 6 weeks - begins April 28th

Materials Needed: Bible

Intended audience: Everyone

This six week class will address managing money by Biblical principles, practical and spiritual benefits of stewarding finances God's way, and specific methods to achieve your financial goals.

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